November 10 1901
In these days of pawn grubbing and French and Sicilian defenses gambits are a rarity, but on the occasion of Champion Pillsbury's recent simultaneous seance in the Franklin Chess Club a real live Kieseritsky gambit, trimmings and all, was in evidence. It was on board fifteen, where the champion met the boy wonder, Mlotkowski.
4. P-KR4 P-N5
Here is a fork in the trunk from which two gambits spring. Were white now to move N to N5 it would be the Allgaier gambit. But with N to K5, actually made, it is the Kieseritzky.
5. N-K5 B-N2
The defense introduced by Paulsen and considered the best but for off hand chess, the counter attack of P-Q3, followed by B-K2, gives the most interesting positions.
21. B-Q3 R-K3
Must return to protect his king's rook's pawn. Had Pillsbury, however, taken rook's pawn on move 21 black would simply have traded bishops and then queens through Q-K6ch.
26. BxP B-K4
As a net result of all the maneuvering white has won his gambit pawn back and nothing more.
32. K-N2 R-K6
And both players recognized the fact that only a draw was possible. A good, clean cut game.
Harry Nelson Pillsbury vs Stasch Mlotkowski
Simul (1901) (exhibition), Franklin CC, Philadelphia, PA USA, Oct-??
King's Gambit: Accepted. Kieseritsky Gambit Paulsen Defense (C39) 1/2-1/2