February 26 1890
Manchester Evening News, Manchester, Greater Manchester, England, Wednesday, February 26, 1890
It was stated at the Manchester Chess Club this afternoon that an effort is being made to arrange for a match between Herr Lasker (now engaged with H. E. Bird) and Mr. N. T. Miniati of this city, to be played at the Manchester Chess Club next week.
Exchange v. Akdwick Co-operative.—A match between the Exchange and Ardwick Co-operative Chess Clubs was played last evening at the rooms of the latter.
BIRD v. LASKER.—The ninth game in the Bird-Lasker chess match was played yesterday in the Liverpool Chess Club, Eberle-street. Great interest attached to the game, because if victory had fallen to the German player he have been victor in the contest without having suffered a solitary defeat. Mr. Bird opened with P-KB4, to which Herr Lasker replied with P-Q4. In order to prevent the King's Fianchetto defence, Mr. Bird played P-QN3 as his second move, and obtained a fine attack. Herr Lasker defended with extraordinary skill and care, and a most interesting game ensued. Ultimately the German player sacrificed a piece and secured a drawn game by perpetual check, being himself liable to checkmate if he did not continue checking.
April 1890
Emanuel Lasker, April 1890